Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Prostate Cancer Causes And Treatment Health And Social Care Essay

This paper will look into several different academic diary articles and some popular media articles that are about prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. These articles discuss prostate malignant neoplastic disease causes, ( conjectural and known ) , sensing methods, and intervention options. A twosome of the articles besides focus on the cost of intervention for patients, every bit good as the hazards involved with the differing methods of intervention. Several intervention options for prostate malignant neoplastic disease are still being studied. This essay will critically analyse and compare prostatic malignant neoplastic disease sensing methods, ( such as Prostate-specific antigen or ( PSA ) trials ) intervention options, and the differing success or failure of each method, every bit good as concentrating on the increasing cost of intervention that patients are forced to pay. Some of the articles besides suggest that more resources and more instruction are needed to assist take down the mortality rate from prostate malignant neoplastic disease. This paper will research what is being done to assist take down the mortality rate every bit good as what is being done to assist increase the rate of early sensing of prostate malignant neoplastic disease. Keywords: Prostate-specific antigen Prostate Cancer: Causes and Treatment Options Available in Today ‘s Scientifically Advanced Society Harmonizing to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, prostate malignant neoplastic disease occurs when cells within the prostate grow uncontrollably, making little tumours. The term â€Å" malignant neoplastic disease † refers to a status in which the ordinance of cell growing is lost and cells grow uncontrollably. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease is a disease of epidemic proportions. 1 in 6 American work forces will be diagnosed with prostate malignant neoplastic disease and new instances are diagnosed every 2.7 proceedingss ( Charles 2009 ) . As prostatic malignant neoplastic disease airss such a menace to work forces worldwide, more clip and money should be spent to better upon the bing methods and engineering every bit good as invested towards instruction and consciousness plans. The fact that these statistics are existent is why prostatic malignant neoplastic disease consciousness and instruction is so indispensable because many deceases could hold been prevented if the in stances had been detected at earlier phases of the malignant neoplastic disease. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease ‘s specific cause is still unknown, nevertheless scientists hypothesize that cistrons play a function, because the hazard factor for acquiring prostatic malignant neoplastic disease is well higher if you have a household history of it. The two chief methods used for prostate malignant neoplastic disease testing are rectal scrutinies and prostate-specific antigen ( PSA ) blood proving. Rathus, Nevid, and Rathus ( 2008 ) remind work forces 50 old ages and older that the American Cancer Society recommends that work forces receive one-year rectal scrutinies and PSA blood trials. Treatment methods for prostate malignant neoplastic disease are limited, but new engineering has allowed for a higher endurance rate because of early sensing. The first point of involvement is that the costs of prostatic malignant neoplastic disease intervention have gone up well in the last 20 old ages harmonizing to USA Today reporter Lisa Szabo. In her article entitled â€Å" Patients bear brunt as malignant neoplastic disease disbursement hits $ 90 billion † she discusses how â€Å" these lifting costs have been driven by forces such as new drugs, robotic surgeries, and radiation techniques † ( 2010 ) . In her findings she discovered that from 1991 to 2002 the cost of intervention for malignant neoplastic disease doubled. â€Å" These additions are unsustainable † claims John Seffrin, CEO of the American Cancer Society. Because of the increasing costs of intervention the American Cancer society can merely assist 1 out of 6 patients as opposed to in the yesteryear when they were able to assist 1 in 5. When one takes into history how many malignant neoplastic disease patients are in the United States, so they can rec ognize how many people are waiving intervention because they are uninsured and can non afford intervention. It is tragic that the rise costs are ensuing in preventable deceases. In another article reviewed, Krahn, Zagorski, Laporte, Alibhai, Bremner, Tomlinson, Warde, and Naglie, ( 2009 ) set out to detect health care costs in relation to prostate malignant neoplastic disease. They researched direct medical costs for around 42,000 work forces over the patterned advance of the disease. The costs they found were between $ 2,000 to around $ 16,000 dependant on where the single patient was in the intervention procedure and how advanced their malignant neoplastic disease was. The ensuing decision was that prostatic malignant neoplastic disease costs â€Å" are highest around two events, malignant neoplastic disease diagnosing and malignant neoplastic disease decease † ( Krahn et Al ‘s. 2009 ) . The 2nd point of involvement is that drug company Roche ‘s â€Å" Avastin † a prostatic malignant neoplastic disease drug late hit headlines and non in a good manner. Harmonizing to the Wall Street Journal, Roche Holdings released a statement that said that Avastin had failed in late phase prostate malignant neoplastic disease tests. This intelligence was non good for shareholders who are estimated to hold lost jutting gross revenues of 7.48 billion dollars. The other bad intelligence is that people who have been utilizing Avastin an antibody for intervention of malignant neoplastic disease, are besides paying for something that is non every bit effectual as they have been lead to believe. The 3rd point of involvement is that although scientists know what causes malignant neoplastic disease, new stairss are being made to detect what specifically causes prostatic malignant neoplastic disease, and other types of malignant neoplastic disease. In an exciting article in Science News, writer L. Sanders reviews a new survey that suggests likely links between â€Å" self-renewing root cells † and prostatic malignant neoplastic disease ( 2010 ) . The survey suggests that cistrons are the perpetrator. â€Å" Think approximately malignant neoplastic disease as a disease of root cells, Mutants in these cells can do normal root cells to lose their regularized behaviour and alternatively turn into an inchoate malignant neoplastic disease † ( Sanders 2010 ) . The research workers besides found that prostatic tissue cells called â€Å" Basal root cells † are the most likely perpetrator in research lab trials done on mice. In all the research they have done,  " Basal root cells are what drives the malignant neoplastic disease, irrespective of the type of mutant † says Owen Witte, a research worker at the University of California. â€Å" A specific cistron called Bmi-1 plays a important function in â€Å" Basal root cells † reclamation procedure, when Bmi-1 activity was reduced, the cells were no longer able to self renew, nor did they organize tumours † ( Sanders 2010 ) . The 4th point of involvement is that surveies show household history of prostate malignant neoplastic disease as one of the taking hazard factors associated with prostate malignant neoplastic disease. As Damber and Aus ( 2008 ) discovered while researching prostate malignant neoplastic disease, household history is a big factor when measuring 1s single hazard factors. They hypothesize that one evident ground for this is that cistrons are passed down biologically from male parent to boy. They besides believe that the malignant neoplastic disease doing cistrons mutate, but the ground ( s ) why are still unknown. Harmonizing to the text edition writers, Rathus, Nevid, and Rathus ( 2008 ) devouring high sums of animate being fats has been shown to increase 1s hazard of acquiring prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. They besides discuss how the opportunities are higher in black males than in white males. One thing Damber and Aus ( 2008 ) did note in their survey was that the figure of instances of prostate malignant neoplastic disease was higher in work forces in urbanised states as opposed to Asiatic work forces. The ensuing surveies showed that lifestyle differences every bit good as exposure to radiation were the grounds for the different statistics between Asiatic work forces and those in more urbanised states. They besides discuss how PSA and other showing methods are still being studied excessively analyze merely how effectual they really are. Once work forces are suspected of holding prostate malignant neoplastic disease, the most common method of diagnosing is a biopsy which is surgically taking a little part of the suspected tumour for proving. Most patients once they are diagnosed with the disease, are concerned with how concentrated the malignant neoplastic disease is, because it is this factor more than any other that determines how long they have to populate. â€Å" In other words, the disease establishes the forecast more than the pick of intervent ion. † ( Damber and Aus 2008 ) Treatment methods are varied and all have hazards involved, but as the writers pointed out, most intervention programs are based on factors such as the PSA figure, ( how high or low ) the degree is, the size and arrangement of the tumour, every bit good as the patients single life anticipation. Treatment plans besides vary depending on if the malignant neoplastic disease is localized to merely the prostate, or if it has advanced ( grown ) within the prostate, or if the cancerous cells have spread to other parts of the organic structure more serious intervention options will be considered. Damber and Aus ( 2008 ) speculate that intervention methods for both localized and advanced prostate malignant neoplastic disease will stay the same for the clip being. The 5th point of involvement is the existent intervention processs that are presently used. Harmonizing to K. Charles in her article about prostate malignant neoplastic disease in the Daily News, NY, she discusses the three major ways to handle prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. Surgery, external beam radiation, and radioactive seed implant therapy. A 4th new and extremist intervention option is known as â€Å" active survellaince, which is fundamentally making nil but invariably supervising the malignant neoplastic disease. She discusses in her article that physicians have non yet been able to make up one's mind which intervention option is more effectual than another, as they say that the consequences of each intervention option vary instance to instance. These discrepancies besides depend on how progressed the malignant neoplastic disease is and how healthy the patient was before they got malignant neoplastic disease. The 6th point of involvement is a possible prostate malignant neoplastic disease intervention that is still being researched called Cryotherapy. In an article by A. Gardner, she discusses how several prostatic malignant neoplastic disease patients had successful cryoblation and their tumours were successfully thwarted. The method is still in research nevertheless, and as Dr Debra Monticciolo said, â€Å" The construct is good, but we need a bigger survey with longer follow up. It takes a piece for a twosome of tumour cells left behind to garner adequate steam to be noticed † ( Gardner 2010 ) . One of the most controversial methods of intervention is to make nil and merely look into in on the malignant neoplastic disease often, to guarantee that it has non grown or spread. In an article by Johnsun and Treurnicht, they claim that, â€Å" The bulk of work forces with low-risk prostate malignant neoplastic disease will decease of unrelated causes † ( 2009 ) . They besides d iscuss how this newer method of intervention, officially known as â€Å" active surveillance † challenges the old method of radiation, and alternatively speculate that attentive non-action, with merely minimum interventions is perchance more effectual. Johnsun and Treurnicht researched a group of 549 malignant neoplastic disease patients who were offered â€Å" active surveillance † or surgery. The patients chose the surgery. Over an 8 twelvemonth clip span, it was discovered that the lone manner to guarantee if â€Å" active surveillance † is an effectual method of intervention is by perennial surveies of work forces who have had biopsies. In another article I reviewed, writer R. Lane and C. Metcalfe looked into a survey that is being conducted in the UK. The survey is a â€Å" randomised controlled test measuring different prostate malignant neoplastic disease interventions † ( 2008 ) . In the article, they claim that repetition PSA testing is one of the most effectual methods for make up one's minding if one needs surgery. Harmonizing to the article, work forces whose Prostate specific antigen degrees are between 3.0 and 19.99 ng/mL are all campaigners for intervention and most likely, a biopsy. Besides harmonizing to Lane and Metcalfe, in the test referred to in the article, the participants were between 50 and 70 old ages old. The decisions of the writers was that â€Å" reiterate PSA blood testing, peculiarly in work forces aged & lt ; 60 old ages, may assist place those with high hazard malignant neoplastic disease who would profit from aggressive intervention, every bit good as forestalling over-diagnosi ng work forces with clinically undistinguished disease and avoiding biopsy in those with no malignant neoplastic disease † ( 2008 ) . The 7th point of involvement in respects to Prostate Cancer sensing methods is the struggle over PSA proving and its accurate consequences, or is it every bit accurate as one would trust? Nogueira, Corradi, and Eastham ( 2009 ) explore other biomarkers besides PSA trials. They believe that â€Å" although PSA is the best malignant neoplastic disease biomarker available, it is non perfect. It lacks both the sensitiveness and specificity to accurately observe the presence of prostate malignant neoplastic disease † ( Nogueira et al. , 2009 ) . In their article, they evaluate the advancement that is being made towards being able to utilize freshly discovered biomarkers to assist screen for prostate malignant neoplastic disease. The surveies that they review show that Human Kallikrein 2 or ( hK2 ) is a serine peptidase that is closely related to PSA in sequence. The surveies have revealed nevertheless, that ( hK2 ) is non ready to be used yet as it can bespeak that there are malign ant neoplastic disease cells active in the blood, but non accurately plenty. This is similar to the job that research workers run into with PSA proving. Several other membrane antigens and antibodies are besides being studied, but none of them are yet ready to be used as farther research and testing is still needed. In the text edition, Rathus, Nevid, and Rathus ( 2008 ) agree with this article that PSA testing is the best method available. This should non be seen as though no advancement has been made nevertheless, because as Dr. Richard Stock said, â€Å" The past 40 old ages have seen a revolution in prostatic malignant neoplastic disease intervention. Not merely are 90 % of instances caught before they metastasize, but physicians have immensely improved engineering for contending malignant neoplastic disease in the other 10 % of patients † ( Charles 2009 ) . The 8th point of involvement is the recent intelligence that the American Cancer Society has released new guidelines on prostate malignant neoplastic disease showings. In the article by A. Gardner, it discusses how the American Cancer Society is now seting less accent on everyday PSA testing and more accent on doctor-patient conversations and determinations. These new guidelines are issued as a consequence of research and the on-going struggle over how accurate PSA proving truly is. Harmonizing to a statement issued by the American Cancer Society, â€Å" work forces with no symptoms of prostatic malignant neoplastic disease who are in comparatively good wellness and can anticipate to populate another 10 old ages should do an informed determination with their physician about prostate malignant neoplastic disease showing after larning the uncertainnesss, hazards, and possible benefits associated with such showing † ( Gardner 2010 ) . These new statements disagree with with what Rathus, Nevid, and Rathus ( 2008 ) , province in the text edition, â€Å" The American Cancer Society recommends that work forces receive one-year digital rectal scrutinies get downing at the same age as PSA trials † ( Rathus et al. 2008 ) . They are now proposing that PSA proving should non be a demand for all work forces over 50. The 9th point of involvement, nevertheless, is that many agree that PSA testing is still non a really dependable or effectual method of sensing. In an article in Practical Nurse, urologist Professor Roger Kirby, manager of the Prostate Centre in London, states that, â€Å" PSA testing is enormously controversial because the figure of false positives and lost diagnosings of prostate malignant neoplastic disease generated by the trial raises inquiries about its utility † ( 2009 ) . In the article Kirby besides points out that although PSA testing is so unelaborated, that unluckily work forces do non hold many other options for sensing. He calls for more research into alternate proving methods for the presence of cancerous cells in 1s blood. He besides calls for more instruction among work forces, to do them aware of their hazard of undertaking prostate malignant neoplastic disease. Personal instruction and personal consciousness are cardinal elements in contending the mortality rate of prostate malignant neoplastic disease. The 10th point of involvement is the advancement being made towards educating the populace on prostate malignant neoplastic disease. In the European Journal of Cancer Care, lending writer S. Bowen, discusses a public wellness plan in Ireland called the National Cancer Information Service. It was developed because of the National Cancer Forum ‘s, â€Å" concern that high quality, accurate information and resources should be available to the populace † ( Bowen 2010 ) . The bulk of people who called in to the service concerned about prostate malignant neoplastic disease were work forces in their 50 ‘s to mid 60 ‘s. The service besides found that most work forces were naming to happen out how and where to acquire screened for prostate malignant neoplastic disease. Bowen thinks this is due to non adequate public consciousness of prostate malignant neoplastic disease, he believes that, â€Å" as the public becomes progressively cognizant of malignant neoplastic di sease, it is of import that they have entree to unclutter indifferent information from a responsible quality service informed by ongoing rating † ( 2010 ) . Overall, the popular media articles that I reviewed did look to hold with the academic diary articles. In respects to the cost of prostatic malignant neoplastic disease intervention, the text edition did non truly travel into deepness on the subject, but the two articles that I reviewed did look to hold with the consensus that prostatic malignant neoplastic disease intervention is expensive, and that the cost of intervention is lifting. Another issue that I reviewed was besides non truly covered by the text edition, but the article that I reviewed was converting in that it shows that more research is needed for prostate malignant neoplastic disease drugs. Another issue that I reviewed was besides non covered by the text edition, but I found it intriguing that scientists are coming so near to happening a manner to bring around malignant neoplastic disease. Another issue I reviewed was agreed upon in my text edition, the academic article and the popular media that risk factors for pros tate malignant neoplastic disease are pretty consistent. Another issue that I reviewed was the existent processs which did hold with my text edition. Another issue I reviewed was Cryotherapy, which is an experimental method, non covered in the text edition. Another issue was conflict over PSA testing, and I found that the academic and popular media did hold chiefly when it came to this issue. I do non experience that anything was left out in these articles or the text edition. I did experience that the academic surveies were and are legitimate. I believe that future surveies should concentrate on prostate malignant neoplastic disease sensing and intervention. The articles that I reviewed were really assuring as they show that a batch of advancement has already been made in mention to prostate malignant neoplastic disease intervention and sensing. I think that scientists and research workers should go on what they are making, particularly with the research on root cells and their direct connexions to malignant neoplastic disease. I think that happening the cause of prostate malignant neoplastic disease should be the figure one precedence of research workers. I besides feel that happening the future remedy to malignant neoplastic disease can merely be done if much more extended root cell and cistron research is conducted. Until that remedy is found howver, I believe it is of import to concentrate today ‘s research on happening more accurate methods of proving, as PSA blood testing has been shown clip and clip once more to non be every bit dependable as medical professionals would wish it to be. The new findings that I discussed are rather exciting though, and the possibility of happening a 100 % accurate trial for cancerous cells in the blood stream is most likely shortly to be a world. The find of a new and more accurate testing method for prostate malignant neoplastic disease would assist increase the figure of subsisters every bit good as lessening the figure of false readings and incorrect diagnosings. I feel that the of import message throughout the articles and research that I conducted is that work forces need to be more educated and more cognizant of prostate malignant neoplastic disease and its symptoms and that physicians need to pass more clip with their patients who are diagnosed with prostate malignant neoplastic disease. I think that households with a history of prostate malignant neoplastic disease demand to hold father-to-son treatments about prostate malignant neoplastic disease and that they might desire to cut down on their consumption of carnal fats and their exposure to radiation as that raises their hazard. Black work forces who consume a batch of ruddy meat with a household history of prostate malignant neoplastic disease should be particularly concerned. The other of import thing is that work forces who are diagnosed with prostate malignant neoplastic disease demand to be informed of all their options, non merely the options that benefit and are profitable to th e medical establishment supplying the intervention, or the drug company supplying the drugs for intervention. The new â€Å" active surveillance † prostate malignant neoplastic disease intervention method is still under examination as to whether it is every bit effectual as medical professionals are trusting it will be. I besides think that reform is needed in respects to the hideous cost of intervention, which for the mean individual, is really difficult to afford. The general public needs to be more cognizant and educated ; more societies such as the American Cancer Society are needed to assist raise consciousness and to supply valuable information, resources, and support to those who are affected. The fiscal load on those with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease is besides something that needs to be addressed. The hereafter of prostate malignant neoplastic disease is one that is difficult to foretell nevertheless, because cancerous cells and cistrons are invariably mutating and altering coevals from coevals. The sheer sum of clip, money, and resources that have been put into malignant neoplastic disease research and interventions is unbelievable. I think that the hereafter of prostate malignant neoplastic disease will hopefully be cut short by the find of a manner to forestall the cancerous cells from mutating, whether it is from radiation, antibodies, or remotion of the cancerous cells. I besides feel that the of import message to anyone reading this is personal duty and personal consciousness and instruction. It is non groups such as the American Cancer Society ‘s duty to educate and assist those who are contending prostate and other signifiers of malignant neoplastic disease, it is the person ‘s duty to make all that they can, within ground, to forestall and observe malignant neoplastic disease early, before it is excessively late. Fear, cunctation, ignorance, and deficiency of wellness attention and coverage are large issues when it comes down to the truth. The fact of the affair is that many people who are deceasing and have died from prostate malignant neoplastic disease could hold been saved if they had detected it earlier. The importance of acquiring everyday showings for work forces over 50 old ages old is important. The proving methods may non be 100 % accurate, but it is better to be informed than to merely take a opportunity with your life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Economics Unit Portfolio Essay

1) In 1861 Abraham Lincoln introduced income tax during the Civil War when he needed money to pay his army. 2) That every consumer paid the same tax for the product no matter what their income is. 3) I would agree with Benton McMillin. Education is one considered a free institution. Using the education system helps someone become smarter and that helps accumulate wealth. Part 2 – Internet Taxation 1) Because not collecting tax means the internet retailer can offer lower prices than other stores. It can kill their business with lower profit margins. 2) Taxing internet retailers would discourage investment employment growth. The shipping costs for online transactions can cancel out any price advantage. 3) I disagree that taxing the internet would discourage new technology investment and employment growth. 4) Computer hardware is more expensive than books or clothing. Part 3 – Economic Detective activity 1) With the decline in business in Centreville the tax base will drop. There will be smaller amount of businesses and people paying taxes. 2) The operating budget would decrease because of the decline in businesses. 1) Increase fines for texting while driving, drunk driving, tailgating,  aggressive driving, public intoxication, toll violations and other crimes. Increase fines for all violators of health and safety regulations in business, especially the food service industry. Lower the taxes can increase economic activity and provides incentives for taking risks in investments. 2) Increasing fines for individuals or businesses. 1) A. By using the capital funds from the other project to buy the warehouse. B. The indoor mall would attract businesses to lease from the city in the mall. 2) There will be more revenue from the sales and more jobs for people of the city. 3) Tax deductions for energy savings. Corporate income tax credit. Sales tax exemption. Payroll tax deductions. Part 4 – Summary questions 1) Challenges to implement a fair tax system: a. People agreeing on a fair tax system. It seems that most will not agree on every aspect of creating a fair tax system. b. Implementing a fair tax system would take power out of the hands of politicians. c. The poor would suffer more than the wealthy with a fair tax system. 2) Sales tax. Each person is charged at the same rate on their purchases. The wealthy will pay more sales tax because they have more disposable income.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Animal Farm in England

Animal Farm in England Today animals celebrate an heroic victory against the odds. They were never expected to be able to outsmart and out muscle the men. Earlier reports had indicated that the farm’s previous owner, Mr Jones, had been forced out of the farm one night after he forgot to feed his animals. To regain ownership of the farm Jones and his fellow neighbours have planned to attack the farm. The catalyst was apparently the claim that Jones and his men had heard rumours that the animals from the farm were bleating â€Å"The only good human being is a dead one†. Reports suggest that Jones was expecting to catch the animals off guard but the animals had other ideas. According to the animals all the men were armed with sticks except for Jones, who had a gun. As the men approached, the animals prepared to go into battle. Once the men were close enough to pose a threat, the animals first line of defence was to attack. Although the men easily fended off the geese and the pigeons this was apparently part of the animals plan to lure the men into thinking the animals would be an easy beat. The animals then launched their second attack which included Snowball their leader, the sheep and the goats. Once again the men were too powerful with their weapons and the animals were forced to retreat back into their yard. Whilst the animals retreated the men started celebrating their efforts, but what they didn’t realise, was that the animals still had further plans up their sleeves. As the men forced the animals further into their yard the three horses, the three cows and the rest of the pigs appeared from the cowshed. The men suddenly found themselves cut off. The animals led by Snowball then charged at the men from all angles creating havoc. First Snowball took down Jones and then blind panic reigned as the other men desperately tried to find a way to escape the yard. According to human sources all the men who were forced to accept defeat escaped, apart from a young stable-lad who was stomped on and reportedly accidentally killed by a horse known as Boxer. It iss said that Snowball had been studying an old Julius Caesar novel, which documented Caesar’s previous campaigns. Undoubtedly this was pivotal to the animal’s success. A funeral was held at Animal Farm for the single sheep which Jones had killed with his gun. During the funeral Snowball emphasized the fact that all the animals had to be ready to die for Animal Farm if need be. The battle has unofficially been named ‘The Battle Of The Cowshed’, as this was where the fight was based. Despite attempting to seek comment from Mr Jones, he was not willing to provide his version of events in relation to the battle. This appears to be an evolving story and we will attempt to keep you informed of further information as it comes to light.

FINANCIAL MARKETS AND MONETARY POLICY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

FINANCIAL MARKETS AND MONETARY POLICY - Essay Example Since then it has been varying over the years where the present name ‘official bank rate’ was initiated in 2006 replacing the former ‘Repo Rate’ that existed till 1997. The rate of interest is levied by the nation’s central bank or the Federal bank on lending or advances to regulate the supply of money in the banking sector and overall economy. This is essentially conducted on a quarterly term to regulate the inflation rate and strengthen the nation’s rates of exchange. Any deviation in the bank rates stimulates a ripple-impact as it affects every sector of the economy. For example, the stock prices in the exchange market seem to respond to the changes in the interest rates. A variation in the bank rates has an impact on the customers as it affects the prime rates of interests for individual loans. The Bank rate is the rate at which the Bank of England gives to the commercial bank for the extra reserves being kept in safe custody of the Central Bank (Ciro, 2012, p. 122). Conventionally, the treasury determines the rates of interests. But upon the reforms that occurred in 1992, the policy makers organized several meetings and minutes were published, yet they were not autonomous of the state which resulted into a perception that political forces were overshadowing what was stipulated to be fiscal decisions on the monetary policy. In 1997 there was operational accountability to determine the interest rates which was granted to the autonomous Bank of England by Gordon Brown-the Chancellor of Exchequer. Several principles were set for the establishment of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) that was enacted in the Bank of England Act 1998 (OECD, 2009, p. 31). The Act also spelled out the accountability of the MPC: this include; meeting on monthly basis, the membership consists of the governor, two deputy governors, two executive directors of the bank

Sunday, July 28, 2019

United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Local 1099 v. Southwest Ohio Essay

United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Local 1099 v. Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority, 163 F.3d 341; Rita Miller V. Clinton County, 544 F.3d 542 - Essay Example enged SORTA’s decision to reject the planned wrap-around advertisement, which they (SORTA) termed as aesthetically unpleasant and too controversial. Among SORTA’s commercial ventures is the sale of advertising space on the buses and bus shelters it owns. However, UFCWU’s proposed wrap-up advertisement, which portrayed protesting union workers fleeing from the police and boarding a bus belonging to SORTA was rejected. In its ruling, the district court concluded that UFCWU was favored by the balance of equities and, therefore, granted the preliminary injunctive relief (Moore 1). Case number 07-2105, Rita Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Clinton County; Honorable Richard Saxton, Appellant, was argued from May 13 2008 and decided on October 1 2008. The civil rights action was brought against Richard Saxton, the Court of Common Pleas’ President Judge, by Clinton County’s former probation officer, Rita Miller. It was asserted by Rita Miller that Richard Saxton violated her right to free speech (First Amendment) and right to due process (Fourteenth Amendment) by firing her after she wrote him a complaint letter claiming hostility and intimidation from her supervisor. Miller appealed against Saxton’s decision to fire her, and a district court permitted the wrongful termination case to proceed. However, the case was dismissed by a federal appeals court, effectively reversing the ruling made by the district judge. Miller had alleged that her supervisor had acted unprofessionally by stating the probationers were a scum and did not merit the money spent on them by the probation office. In his move to dismiss the claims, Saxton wanted to be granted a summary judgment motion and alleged to be immune to suit. In the UFCWU v. SORTA appeal case, the court stated that a preliminary injunction aims to avert irreparable injury and uphold a court’s capacity to deliver significant decisions based on merit in reference to Canal Authority of State of Florida v. Callaway, 489 F.2d

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Impact Bullies have on Learning in the Classroom in Elementary Essay

The Impact Bullies have on Learning in the Classroom in Elementary School - Essay Example There are several reasons as to why, in spite of educationist’s and governmental efforts, there is still little understanding and acceptance of the full impact of bullying. One of the reasons for this is that the definition of bullying is not very specific or agreed upon by all. In the United States itself, different regions have defined bullying differently. For example, in Colorado, it is defined as â€Å"any written or verbal expression, or physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students†, and in Georgia, as â€Å"any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person†¦or any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm†. (HRSA, 2003). In the UK, violence and bullying are very closely related, and both acts are said to cause physical or psychological harm – but bullying is mostly applied to such acts that are repetitive in nature. (Hutchinson, 2005). Hence, it can be seen from the above that bullying, is a term that does not have a universal definition. Though, there is a general understanding of what comprises of bullying, the impact that bullying has on those involved, and the recourse that should be undertaken to combat the problem, are still issues that are largely debated upon. Similarly, depending upon the understanding of the definition, the various recourses to bullying are advised by the governments. In 2002, â€Å"serious bullying† along with the possession of an offensive weapon were made the grounds for expulsion from school by the Department for Education and Skills, UK. (BBC News, World Edition, 2006). The Department for Education and Skills, UK, is of the opinion that bullying is  a serious problem which puts the emotional well-being and educational achievement of pupils at risk†. (Department for

Friday, July 26, 2019

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Criminology - Essay Example As a result, the Federal Bureau of Investigation doers not collect information on itself (Robinson, 1966). Rather, it relies on the other law enforcement agencies to report the crimes that are brought to their attention. According to a census that was carried out by the Bureau of census in 2002 revealed that 93 percent of the population that submitted the reports was the law enforcement authorities while 89% of the populace came from the metropolitan areas, with 90 percent being in the rural counties (Wolfang, 1963). From the time when Uniform Crime Report was established in 2003, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has offered sporadic evaluations of the type of and nature crime in United States. This program’s main aim was to produce a dependable group of unlawful statistics for use in police force management, management and operation. This has made it be one of the nation’s principal social indicators. The Uniform Crime Reports assist the American public to search for information on variation in crime rates. In addition, criminologists, sociologists, criminal justice students, legislators and municipal planners use information in the Uniform Crime Reports to carryout different researches and planning responsibilities (Wolfang, 1963). National Incident-Based Reporting System is an event-oriented coverage structure employed by the law enforcement agencies in United States to collect information on crimes. It is designed to collect information on any single crime scene that occurs. State, local and federal agencies produce these reports from their information systems. Data is obtained and captured from every crime occurrence and recorded in Group ‘A’ crime group. The crimes in the Group ‘A’ category are 46 offences classified into 22 crime classes. Certain details about the offences are collected and documented in the NIBRS system. Moreover, there are 11 crimes recorded in Group ‘B’ with just

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Summary of District-Level Downsizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Summary of District-Level Downsizing - Essay Example Schachter goes on to add that, the state legislators or the democratic and republican governors are on a process to balance their budgets and the bad economic times have forced them to implement a huge cut in the public services arena, where the education sector is the target. The director of the AASA (American Association of School Administrators) confirmed this by saying that addition of the cuts to the end of the stimulus year would see the districts come to a cliff. While reacting to the survey that was conducted by the AASA concerning the school superintendents, the director Domenech indicated that the budget cut value of 5%, which was targeting the administrators, was bound to accelerate. The whole district school administrator spectrum has become the target and vulnerable. The cuts in the education sector that are happening currently in the United States cities are a unique event that has never happened. As the number of the students rises, other educational leaders are guttin g departments such as operations and assessments at the district level to turn the assistant principal position into a species that is endangered. The executive director of the IASA (Illinois Association of School Administrators) attributed the current events to the administrators being a microcosm of the recess in America. According to Schachter, different states have reacted to these events in different ways in as much as the cuts or the layoffs are common in all the involved districts. In California for example the layoffs or down sizing have considerably narrowed down the administrative corridor. Approximately 3,000 administrative posts an equivalent of 17% reduction has been implemented in California. This hardest part of this is that the state of California over the same period managed to loose a total of 20,000 teacher’s equivalent of 6%. Despite of all these downsizing attempts a $4billion cut in California state education aid is looming and if the Gov.Brown’s plan of temporarily raising the taxes of some states is not approved, and then as many as 2000 administrators are going out of their jobs next year. The administrators were targeted first to try and salvage the classroom since the instruction of the students was a priority hence the teachers were spared in California. The Charleston (S.C.) to mention as one of the schools froze the salaries of 3400 teachers and lay off a few. The board of this school is planning to cut between 70 and 60 positions in non-classrooms in the following year. This is according to Bobby Michael, who is the chief operations and financial officer for the county school Charleston. (Schachter, 1) In the state of Texas, the idea of raising the property taxes is not being considered despite the amount accounting for 37% of Texas school budget. The superintendent of Irving (Texas) Independent School District Bedden Dana managed to tap $6.5 million, and another $7million to $10 million of the district’s res erve fund will be taken in the following year to cover the deficit. The Irving district is facing a huge deficit of between $21 million to $31 million and, therefore, the reserves will not be enough to offset the deficits. Schachter is of the opinion that, the district has adopted another method of increasing the size of the class by adding three students at the elementary averaging

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethical and Moral Issues regarding Intellectual Property Research Paper

Ethical and Moral Issues regarding Intellectual Property - Research Paper Example Though most countries and worldwide authorities have developed IP protection laws to help these companies protect their properties, there remain significant legal and ethical issues in relation to the IP protection between companies and between countries. This piece of research paper addresses the ethical and moral issues regarding the intellectual ownership and copyright. Ethical and moral issues regarding intellectual ownership Ethics, corporate social responsibility and morality have got significant importance in business in recent years. Businesses are expected to be ethical, moral and socially responsible and thus they are expected not to counterfeit, copy and steal intellectual properties of other businesses. Intellectual property, as Credo Reference noted, is equivalent to the physical form of private property that people are allowed to own aspects of their mental creativity and innovation, images, inventions, literary and artistic works and therefore these can be traded as co mmodities and thus an individual or company can apply for an idea to be registered as their own property. There has been significant debate about the ownership of the intellectual property, but as per the definition is given below, intellectual property is the right of an individual or company that invented or discovered it. ... Â  the intellectual property, who is entitled to granting the right and who has right to transfer it contractually are some of the concerns regarding the ownership of the intellectual properties. However, when an intellectual property like patent, royalty etc have been registered with an authority, it becomes the right of a person or firm to whom it has been registered. As Freeman and Peace (2005) noted, once the ownership has been acquired, it doesn’t end except by the destruction of the material thing or incorporation to another. The ownership of intellectual property is always temporal because it is restricted in time and some point coming to an end and therefore legally, ethically and morally the ownership falls within the public domain. Maughan (2004) emphasized that the ownership of the intellectual property, though technically the highest estate, is not absolute ownership, and therefore ethically the rights of the owner are socially circumscribed in many different ways for many reasons and this may be curtailed at any time. Ethical and moral issues regarding Copyright ownership A copyright is legal to form of protection that is afforded to an original work of art or authorship that has been developed into a physical and tangible form (Ward, 2007, 1). A copyright is initially owned by a creative author or authors from his or their works. But according to the law, a person doesn’t necessarily need to create the work to be its author for the copyright purposes (Irving, 2011). A very common example is the creation of employees who work for an employer.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sherlock hectives of holmes is a better detective then piorot and Essay

Sherlock hectives of holmes is a better detective then piorot and spade other detectives of his times - Essay Example Hercule Poirot was a Belgian detective who appeared in Agatha Christie’s novel Murder on the Orient Express to investigate the murder of a gangster named Ratchet or Cassetti. The case seems to be very confusing as some obscure clues are found during the investigation. The victim, Cassetti had previously murdered three members of the Armstrong family and their worker. As the case progresses some shocking things reveal which seem to involve thirteen of the passengers including the conductor in the murder of Cassetti. Poirot however does not inform the police about those guilty as he feels that they are justified. Samuel Spade, more commonly known as Sam Spade, appeared in The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett who was consulted by Miss Wonderly to follow Floyd Thursby who is later murdered shortly after Sam Spade’s partner, Miles Archer. It is then revealed that Miss Wonderly lied to Sam Spade and is found to have been guilty for the murders along with other players who a re trying to acquire the Maltese falcon. All the detectives differ in the style in which they approach the investigation and various cases however Sherlock Holmes of all seems to have a far more organized and scientific method of analyzing clues (Ginzburg and Davin, 6-7). Sherlock Holmes seems to have great observation and this is illustrated in A scandal in Bohemia when Holmes tells all the details about Dr. Watson when they meet (Doyle, A Scandal in Bohemia, 3). Holmes accurately identifies how Dr. Watson wanted to be a practicing doctor but could not due to the wound he got during his participation in the Afghan war. Also, that Dr. Watson got himself wet and that his servant girl does not do her work well. Holmes seems quite shocked as this true but he does not understand how Holmes was able to tell because he changed his clothes after the walk in the country (Doyle, A Scandal in Bohemia, 3). In The Red Headed League as well, Holmes demonstrates an excellent observation as he cor rectly identifies that Mr. Wilson was a laborer, takes tobacco, is a freemason, etc (Doyle, The Read Headed League, 3). He also deduces some important details from the hat in The Blue Carbuncle (Doyle, The Blue Carbuncle, 9). Holmes cleverly observed the minor details of cases so as to efficiently analyze clues to determine meaningful answers to the crimes. This method of noticing minor details was developed by Giovanni Morelli in art history (Ginzburg and Davin, 7). Hercule Poirot seems to be a very competent detective as he effectively speculates the clues so as to determine all the players in the murder of Cassetti. Poirot often has to interview the witnesses in order to gather information and does not rely much on observation of evidences and clues (Christie, 41). Sam Spade, on the other hand, does demonstrate critical thinking which helps him resolve the case regarding the murder of Archer and Thursby however he does not reflect superb observation skills in terms of clues (Hamm ett, 115). While every detective correctly investigated the cases which they are consulted to solve, there are some major differences in the style of investigation among the various detectives. Sherlock Homes presents a very effective method of information collection and evidence interpretation using an excellent observation. At many instances Dr. Watson seems to be surprised at Holmes’

Leadership Development Report Essay Example for Free

Leadership Development Report Essay Leadership has a paramount importance in the business world. It is not about a position, but how a person can influence others in creating and working towards that common organisation’s goal, and to create meaning in the works that we do. This report begins with the servant leadership framework that covers what I value in leadership. Also included in this report are the self-assessments that measure my leadership potential and competencies. This report also covers the issues associated to the industry I have chosen to work in and address my person-specific issues. II. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODEL (175) Definition servant leadership Servant leadership is a type of leadership where the leader does order to be served; but focus on serving their followers in order to assist and guide them into more useful and satisfied people. This theory emphasize on the creation of moral purpose for leaders. It focuses on the impact that they leave on other people’s life to measure their greatness. Characteristics of servant leadership The servant leadership theory consists of ten key characteristics. These characteristics are; listening intently, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. (Miller, Skringar, Dalglish Stevens, 2012) Why servant leadership? My concept of leadership is someone who is able to influence their followers through inspiration, empower them to realize their undiscovered true potential, and bring meaning to their life. In addition, I believe that a leader needs to be able to listen to their follower’s need in order to put the will of the group above their own will on the group. I strongly uphold the need for empathy in my leadership concept, because I believe that a leader must be able to put themselves in their follower’s shoes and perceive things through the eyes of their followers in order to gain understanding from different perspectives and to empower the followers to bring out their passion and thus bring forward their fullest potential in making a meaningful work. As mentioned by a successful leader – Fred A. Mansk Jr, â€Å" The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to the point that they eventually surpass him or her in knowledge and ability.† Therefore, I find Servant Leadership as the most suitable framework for my leadership plan. III. Diagnosis of Strength and Weaknesses To support the diagnostic process and to provide the information on my leadership strengths and weaknesses I am using the information from two personality tests; Carl Jung’s and Issabel Briggs Myer’s Typology Test and a standardized emotional intelligent (EI) test. Self Assessments Carl Jung’s and Issabel Briggs Myer’s Typology Test Carl Jung’s and Issabel Briggs Myer’s Typology Test is a psychometric assessment designed to measure the preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions based on their psychological preference. The aim of this test is to help people to have a better understanding of themselves, by understanding their strengths, weaknesses, possible career preferences and their preferred approach when interacting with others. This test puts one into four letter categories, where each letter stands for a specific personality type. (Briggs, Myers, 1998) After undertaking this typology test, I was classified under INFJ (Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) typology. Firstly, introversion displays a characteristic that is reserved and highly private. This goes in line with my personal characteristic as I look within for meaning and understanding. Secondly, intuition indicates an emphasis on abstract ideas and focusing on the meaning of the bigger picture rather than solid details. Feeling focuses mainly on personal concerns and emotional perception rather than the logical and objective facts. Judging describes about the need to have control by planning, organizing and making decisions as soon as possible because of INFJs’ deep attention on the future. INFJ type is described as having the strengths of being determined and passionate, altruistic, decisive, insightful, creative, inspiring and convincing. Dr. Dranitsaris stated that INFJ leadership style is quiet and influencing. INFJ leaders often lead by inspiring and motivating people with their ideals, working hard to gain the cooperation of others rather than demanding it. In a business context, INFJ leaders also tend to genuinely care about the people and how happy they are with their job. (Dranitsaris, 2009). This describes the traits considered as strengths of the INFJ type: that of being warm, altruistic and passionate. The main motive for every work done is not focused centrally on gaining personal benefit but for the greater good of the broader society; to find value and purpose for every tasks. Also, INFJs are described to be deeply concerned about their relations with people and how it links to humanity. (Heiss, Butt, 1996) These are the strengths I believe I possess in myself and these characteristics go in line with the framework of servant leadership as explained previously. However, the very strong need to have a cause for every work done can serve as a weakness for INFJ. This is because it can become difficult to maintain the drive and energy to complete works when I am not able to derive any deeper purpose or relate the objective of the work to a worthy goal. The complexity INFJ is further seen with the tendency to be idealistic. When objectives are not in line with a meaningful goal, INFJ will incline to grow restless and demotivated overtime. This will affect the effort and end result. The result may deviate from the targeted aim which becomes a conflict with the need for perfection. These weaknesses are worsen with the reserved nature of INFJ which may trigger unexpressed internal conflicts. Emotional Intelligent Test (EI) Emotional Intelligent test, on the other hand is a psychological test which allow an individual to identify their social skills that facilitate their interpersonal behavior. It identifies one’s capacity for goal-oriented adaptive behavior. It focuses on the aspects of intelligence that govern self-knowledge and social adaptation. Below are the results that I have attained from this self-assessment: Strengths Potential Strength Weaknesses doing well in the area of emotional understanding chose good forms of resolution for others conflict situations on the test empathetic socially insightful driven towards self-development healthy approach in resolving conflict situations doing reasonably well in the area of emotional identification, perception, and expression act in accordance with your values lacking in self-motivation not very assertive need to strengthen self-esteem further development needed in personal resilience/hardiness. These strengths indicate that I possess some of the traits that are needed to display the characteristics of a good servant-leader. IV. Industry-Specific Issues Looking into the Hospitality industry, specifically Airlines, I will use Singapore Airlines as a basis of my evaluation. The extent of superior service is paramount for it to establish itself. In order to deliver the standard of service the company has set for itself, it requires highly passionate and motivated employees. One of the elements that contribute to the success of Singapore Airlines is its human resource that highly regards contribution of creative ideas in which rewards are later given. (Singh, 1984) To be passionate, to inspire and to encourage innovation are strengths found in INFJs that match with the traits of Servant Leaders who encourages and motivates the followers to making a meaningful and effective work efforts. V. Person-Specific Issues Gender, age and culture are important aspects to be considered in shaping one’s leadership development. Being someone coming from Asia, the idea of women becoming a leader will face cultural constraints. In the context of organization, becoming a female leader will be more challenging than the male counterpart because there is a strong notion whereby men are born to lead and women to follow or serve and men hold the leadership positions. (Carly, Eagly, 1999). This is still present in the traditional Asian culture. Even to the eyes of the followers, the figure that is seen to be capable of leading goes to male gender. The masculinity possessed becomes a symbol of strength and competency. (Schein, 2001) Instructions led by female leaders are more likely to be followed because of the idea of obedience to authority rather than being influenced through inspiration. The gender-bias corporate culture becomes a huge obstacle in making use of servant-leadership framework as a female. This gender bias is still evident in many office settings of Japanese corporations whereby higher ranking positions are given mostly to male; and in fact Japan seeing a near zero resemblance between women and managers. (Schein, Mueller, 1992) Besides that, age also becomes an issue in determining the level of experience of a professional. Younger age typically indicates limited exposure to the various real-life experiences and this may affect the extent of wisdom in making judgments. VI. Timeframe and Evaluation Plan The weaknesses based on the self-assessments are used to develop my leadership goals and the Michigan Leadership Competency Model serves as a tool to categorize the goals set and the timeframe for the plan. Time Frame Self-Developmental Goals Self-Management Conceptualization Servant leaders seek to nurture their abilities to dream great dreams; not just consumed by achieving operational goals. To develop characteristic and thinking process encompass broader-based conceptual thinking require discipline and practice. Leading Others Influencing/Persuasion Servant leaders seek to persuade and convince others through inspiration rather than coerce compliance. This requires a level of confidence, personal drive and energy to be emulated to the followers. As represented in one of my weaknesses from the self-assessment, I lack in self-motivation, self-esteem and assertiveness. These characteristics need to be developed in order to gain enough personal power to lead and guide others. Innovation Creativity Creativity is one of the key characteristics of servant leaders. Also, the hospitality industry takes great importance in areas of innovation to stay competitive and relevant. This is a characteristic that continually needs to be fostered and developed. Social Responsibility Ethically Social Servant Leadership highlights the importance of leading for the greater good for a deeper moral purpose. This emphasizes the need for moral awareness and ethical conducts when leading. This can be done by participating more in charitable or environmental causes which aim in improving social welfare of the broader society. Such participation allow exposure and knowledge-gaining. Evaluation by Multi-Step Action Plan 1 year Completing Bachelor of Business Degree 3 years Employment in Airline as Flight Attendant to gain exposure to new experiences, ethical conducts and ideas and insight knowledge on providing service in hospitality industry (Innovation Social Responsibility) 2 years Further study on Master of Hospitality Management to broaden conceptual thinking process. This also help to gain self-esteem and improve on the ability to influence (Conceptualization Influencing) Working in Management VII. Industry Leader Input Previously I focused my goals only on the trait developments. This was difficult measure because characteristics can only be proven once I’ve been put on the position to be a leader in a group. There was no tangible achievement to evaluate the success of my goal planning. Therefore, through his suggestion, I modified my goal timeframe by adding a multi-step action plan that cover the length of time to achieve each target. For example, the employment in an Airline industry will help me garner new experiences, perspective and practice discipline in work ethics. Feedback on my work performance from supervisors can serve as a form of evaluation. Also, the attainment of higher qualification will allow me to gain broader and deeper knowledge on the industry through research. The exposure and experience may help me to develop a stronger leadership characteristic and further evaluation can be done through taking re-test for EI. Wordcount: 1,509 words (Excluding References, Appedices, Headings Tables) VIII. Appendices 1. Michigan Leadership Competency Model Leadership Assessment Report Scores range from 1 to 6, with 1 indicating that you rated yourself low on that competency and 6 indicating that you rated yourself high. Introverted iNtuition Introverted intuitives, INFJs enjoy a greater clarity of perception of inner, unconscious processes than all but their INTJ cousins. Just as SP types commune with the object and live in the here and now of the physical world, INFJs readily grasp the hidden psychological stimuli behind the more observable dynamics of behavior and affect. Their amazing ability to deduce the inner workings of the mind, will and emotions of others gives INFJs their reputation as prophets and seers. Unlike the confining, routinizing nature of introverted sensing, introverted intuition frees this type to act insightfully and spontaneously as unique solutions arise on an event by event basis. Extraverted Feeling Extraverted feeling, the auxiliary deciding function, expresses a range of emotion and opinions of, for and about people. INFJs, like many other FJ types, find themselves caught between the desire to express their wealth of feelings and moral conclusions about the actions and attitudes of others, and the awareness of the consequences of unbridled candor. Some vent the attending emotions in private, to trusted allies. Such confidants are chosen with care, for INFJs are well aware of the treachery that can reside in the hearts of mortals. This particular combination of introverted intuition and extraverted feeling provides INFJs with the raw material from which perceptive counselors are shaped. Introverted Thinking The INFJs thinking is introverted, turned toward the subject. Perhaps it is when the INFJs thinking function is operative that he is most aloof. A comrade might surmise that such detachment signals a disillusionment, that she has also been found lacking by the sardonic eye of this one who plumbs the depths of the human spirit. Experience suggests that such distancing is merely an indication that the seer is hard at work and focusing energy into this less efficient tertiary function. Extraverted Sensing INFJs are twice blessed with clarity of vision, both internal and external. Just as they possess inner vision which is drawn to the forms of the unconscious, they also have external sensing perception which readily takes hold of worldly objects. Sensing, however, is the weakest of the INFJs arsenal and the most vulnerable. INFJs, like their fellow intuitives, may be so absorbed in intuitive perceiving that they become oblivious to physical reality. The INFJ under stress may fall prey to various forms of immediate gratification. Awareness of extraverted sensing is probably the source of the SP wannabe side of INFJs. Many yearn to live spontaneously; its not uncommon for INFJ actors to take on an SP (often ESTP) role. References Briggs, K. C., Myers, I. B. (1998). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Palo Alto, CA. Greenleaf, R. K. (1977). The Servant as Leader. Business Leadership: A Jossey-Bass Reader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Miller, Skringar, Dalglish Stevens, (2012) Leadership and Change Management. 1st ed. Prahran VIC Australia: Tilde University Press. Maxwell, J. C., Dorvan, J. (1997). Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Schein, V.E. (2001) A global look at psychological barriers to women’s progress in management. Journal of Social Issues. 57, pp. 675-688. Schein, V.E., Mueller, R. (1992). Sex role stereotyping and requisite management characteristics: A cross cultural look. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 13, pp. 439-447. Carli L.L., Eagly A.H. (1999). Gender effects on influence and emergent leadership Powell G.N. (Ed.), Handbook of gender and work, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 203–222 Soo Min Toh, Geoffrey J. Leonardelli (2012) Cultural constraints on the emergence of women as leaders. Journal of World Business, Vol. 47, Issue 4, pp. 604-611 Karmjit Singh (1984). Successful strategies—The story of Singapore Airlines (SIA) Long Range Planning, Vol.17, Issue 5, pp. 17-22 Dranitsaris, A., (ed.) 2009, Personality Type and Leadership Behaviour: Jung’s Typology for the Workplace, e-book, accessed 25 April 2013, Central Michigan University, 2004, Leadership Competency Model, accessed 20 April 2013, Heiss, M.M, Butt, J.,1999, INFJ, Typelogic, accessed 25 April 2013, HumanMetrics Jung’s Typology Test INFJ, 2012, accessed 25 April 2013,

Monday, July 22, 2019

International Negotiation & Bargaining Essay Example for Free

International Negotiation Bargaining Essay 1.- What, in general, did you learn about negotiation from the exercise? What surprised you? What would you do differently if you had a chance to do the exercise again? In general I learned that trust plays a significant role during negotiation; because here in this exercise and in the most cases of negotiation at the beginning you feel a hard atmosphere but to establish rapport is not an option. Then you need to get focus in the interest of each person and not just defending your position. It was good to us to open all the issues to resolve, so we are able to see the complete picture and not only one issue per time. This allows to use give the options necessary to give and receive and knowing what is the most matter to the other person and for me. I was surprised with one point I think was the point of the women during the excursion we both have the same interest, I noticed because my other part wants the same of me, and sometimes you believe that always will have opposing interests . I will do different definitely to trust more in my partner to be honest and since the begging tell him these are the things that they are most important for me, what are yours..? 2.- How did the actual outcome of the exercise compare to the pre-negotiation strategy you developed? How do you correlate preparation with outcome? As my professor mentioned that a Coach said: Failing in prepare, is preparing to fail. You need to develop your strategy and arguments to be consistent and explain very well the whys. I did not win in all the points that I wanted; but I did achieve the Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA). Of course they have a positive correlation the more you prepare the more you achieve and vice versa. 3.- How did the concepts of preparation, power (structural and/or personal), relationship, interest, batna and or mutual gains, etc. addressed in the class and in the class readings (reference required) actually occur in this exercise? Well first this exercise began with a hard bargaining and realized because we both wanted to defend the position instead the interested and of course nobody has enough trust. I immediately try to change this because I had read that this kind of negotiation is going to fail, so I decided to apply the what I have learned and focus in the interests and to establish rapport as soon as posible. I listen well the interested and I try to be objettive, consistent and realistic with the whys and the reason that I want each point not just because I want, that could be the worst you can do, so preparation is very important because in a few words is how you are going to sell your idea or interest. I was very useful to know that we need to give a take process, and looking for a non-zero-sum, Win-Win. I think as the climber needs to be very carefully in what we say, how do we say and the tone, because not only the words give a message to the audience. For me, to open the negotiation and see several points (mutual gains) of the exercise instead one by one was the key of successful, because we were able to listen all the interests of each person, and this is the heart of negotiation. The main challenge for the climber is how to move for a Yielding or obliging to a compromising. BATNA is the result of having multiplies options in order to have a non-zero-sum we need explore each option a be able to give that message during the negotiation because BATNA will clarifies our plan B in case we do not achieve any agreement. In case my plan B is a good one or very strong I will have more power during the negotiation. It is very important to know both BATNAS in order to know the balance of the negotiation and how will be your approach, and style. REFERENCE: GETTING TO YES BY ROGER FISHER AND WILLIMA URY ESSENTIAL OF NEGOTIATION BY ROY J. LEWICKI, DAVID M SAUNDERS AND BRUCE BARRY BROADCAST ONE POWERPOINT UPDATED_REV1

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Introduction Of Company Petronas Commerce Essay

Introduction Of Company Petronas Commerce Essay PETRONAS is the acronym for Petroliam National Berhad. PETRONAS not only focused on oil and gas, and provide education. PETRONAS is an incorporated public organization and has it separate legal entity. PETRONAS was incorporated on the 17th of August 1974 and was owned and controlled by the government of Malaysia. PETRONAS has a set of vision, mission and values. PETRONAS is a well known worldwide company that has ventured into 32 countries including Argentina, Russia and Egypt. PETRONAS practices a culture that stresses mainly on being environmental friendly and people orientated. It currently employs over 30, 000 employees of 38 nationalities. PETRONAS with the fully integrated oil and gas multinational, it has involved the entire petroleum activities. From managing the sharing contractors of the foreign production, we have been change into developing our own capabilities in the upstream sector allow us to take the lead in the exploration and production of the nations oil and gas resources. Besides that, we also ventured into downstream activities. We seek to maximize value creation and strengthen of our operations all the way down the value chain. The range of our downstream activities includes oil refining, gas processing and liquefaction, gas transmission pipeline operations, petrochemical manufacturing and marketing, property investment, shipping, marketing of liquefied natural gas, marketing and distribution of petroleum products, and trading. Furthermore, PETRONAS has operated service station in Malaysia, South Africa, Sudan, Thailand and Indonesia. It has distribution of automotive and industrial lubricants globally, including the PETRONAS Syntium and Sprinta premium grade engine oil. Internal Environment There is a high level of interdependence between an organisation and its internal environment. The internal environment comprises elements that have a direct influence on the day to day operations of the organisation. They have an impact on the achievement of the organizations goals. The Micro forces of the environment are: Vision and Mission PETRONAS is a big organization and a corporation which is widely known to the world as its a company that exports Malaysian oil. Being a big organization, PETRONAS has of course its very own vision and mission to achieve its common goal and to serve its customers the best service they can provide. As we all know vision is a long-term plan that almost every company or organization has. PETRONASs vision statement is to be a leading oil and gas multinational of choice. As an organization they are hoping to become a worldwide known organization and to become the first choice among all other oil companies present so far. Their mission statement, on the other hand, is as follows: We are a business entity. Petroleum is our core business. Our primary responsibility is to develop and add value to this national resource. Our objective is to contribute to the well-being of the people and the nation. (intext citation) Their mission and vision we believe has made them grow tremendously since they were incorporated in the month of August on the 17th in the year 1974. PETRONAS has become a fully-integrated oil and gas corporation and is ranked among FORTUNE Global 500s largest corporation in the world. They have now ventured globally into more than 32 countries worldwide in its aspiration to be a leading oil and gas multinational of choice. Organizational structure Organizational structure is the internal, formal framework of a business that shows the way in which management is linked together and how authority is transmitted. (Stimpson, 2006) structure.jpg Figure 1: The Corporation Organisational Structure of PETRONAS (Picture taken from PETRONAS adopts the functional organization structure. It enables specialization, allowing employees to focus on their respective areas. There is cross functional bonds between the respective divisions and departments. It is the bond and process of specialization that has led to the success of the organisation. Team work is encouraged, all the departments work together to achieve the companys goals and targets. This has proved to rewarding for the organization as a whole and the employees, customers, suppliers and the community as a whole. The line of authority is clearly drawn, orders are sent from the top most level, the president and the CEO. PETRONAS has also hired consultants to improve business and organization results. Functional Strategies    Human Resource  division Its main objective is to meet the organizational needs of the company it represents the needs of the people hired by that company. The most important function of the human resource department is recruitment, selection and training of employees among others. PETRONAS selects the best and brightest of employees through talent searches amongst local and overseas graduate. PETRONAS trains and molds its own employees through technical training and innovative program provided in University Technology PETRONAS. Finance division The Finance Function provides the company with its accounting and financial reporting backbone of the company. Its role is to identify financial sources willing to finance the operations of the company and to locate profitable areas where the business can invest their money to get higher returns. PETRONAS is involved in the sports world through its investment with Mercedes F1team. PETRONAS has also contributed towards the development of Turkmenistan economy, by investing US dollar $ 1.8 billion in the oil and gas industries. Corporate Planning and development division This division plans long term and short term business strategies which lead to the development of the organisation. Technical Services division This division is set up to drive and manage the technological activities of PETRONAS. Education division This division undertakes the responsibility of all the educational activities PETRONAS is associated with. It involves the scholarships provided by University technology PETRONAS and the education programs provided to the underserved community. Shareholders Shareholders of a firm can directly influence its policies and activities. PETRONAS shareholder is the government. It generates income and value for its shareholder. PETRONAS gave the government RM 52.3 billion from its RM86.8 billion pre-tax profit, in the form royalty, dividends, corporate tax, income tax and export duty. PETRONAS provides shareholders with the opportunity to gain first hand exposure on the Companys operations by organizing several visits to its Gas Processing Plants. Such two-way communication increases corporate transparency and helps shareholders take a longer term view of their investment based on a better understanding of the companys corporate strategy and operation PETRONAS recognizes the importance of timely and equal dissemination of information to shareholders. Therefore they arrange the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is a crucial mechanism in shareholders communication. Employees PETRONAS must be committed to enhancing the capability of its employees, as a corporation is only as good as the people who work for it. This phrase is from PETRONAS mission statement. Employees are the most important asset of an organisation, since it is the dedication, motivation and skills of an employee that make a business successful. PETRONAS highly values its employees and understands the importance of their motivation. Therefore PETRONAS arranges various programmes to encourage and support its employees by involving them in voluntary work. Programmes such as Sentuhan Kasih and Jalinan Insan allow our employees to contribute directly to homes for disadvantaged children and orphans in the areas of their operations. These programmes provide the employees with job satisfaction, which in return highly motivates them to perform better. Community Lord Holme and Richard Watts used the following definition. Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large The culture now is to be generous by giving back to the community. Therefore organisations have certain responsibility towards the community they work in. PETRONAS is a responsible citizen of the community, thus is has successfully imitated and supported various social, environmental and community projects. PETRONAS and Education PETRONAS is committed is developing the people and they operate in by providing education particularly in the field on science and technology. They are determined to create a skilled human resource base for Malaysia through various schemes. Scholarships University technology PETRONAS (UTP) Provides hands on technical training and innovative programs to help employees build skills and competencies. PETROSAINS provides a rich and stimulating environment for the public to learn about science and technology PETRONAS benefits from this program since they are molding their own workforce, by educating them in standards which are important to PETRONAS. PETRONAS and Environment PETRONAS recognizes the importance of conserving biological diversity in order to ensure people, animals and plants. Therefore they developed the KUALA LUMPUR CITY CENTRE (KLCC) PARK, to balance the challenging demands of growing urban populations, with the environmental conservation. A much needed public park and green lung for the city of Kuala Lumpur. External Environment External environment refers to the factors that happen outside the business which cannot be controlled by the business. These factors will influence the internal functions of the business and its strategies to adapt itself to the changing environment. Political Environment The Malaysian government chose to create a state company, rather than using taxes, production limits, leasing, or other familiar instruments of supervision. The government sought to assert national rights over the use of the countrys resources. A state company, having both supervisory powers over the majors and production activities of its own, was a workable compromise between allowing the majors full rein and excluding them, along with their capital and expertise, altogether. Petronas is given fulltrust by Malaysia government to conduct business independently from the government. Government holds 100% of Petronas and formulates and implements energy policies including oil gas. The company cooperates with the government for the common purpose to develop the country to achieve the level of advanced countries. Regarding the relationship between Petronas and the government, one executive at Petronas said, There is a world, especially in the Third World, where only the government and the government (GG) can open the first door. He claimed that there is the world which does not function well with the absence of mutual trust between the government and NOC. Legal Environment PETRONAS is a multinational organisation. Therefore the company is subjected to laws in all of its host countries, such as taxation and consumer rights. Government taxation A large sum of the profit is usually paid off to government in the form of income tax, dividends etc. Despite the lowered net profit, PETRONAS paid RM 30.0 billion as dividends, RM20.3 billion as income tax, RM 9.1 billion as corporate income tax, RM 2.2 billion as export duties and RM 6.2 billion as royalties. Health and safety at work This aims to protect the workers from any kind of physical injuries. It requires the working environment to be safe with adequate equipment and sanitation. These requirements usually add up to the business cost. Consumer rights This law protects the consumer from products that do not reach a reasonable level of safety. PETRONAS sternly practices this as to ensure maximum popularity amongst other oil and gas company as well as looking after customer satisfaction. It generates income and value for its shareholder. PETRONAS gave the government RM 52.3 billion from its RM86.8 billion pre-tax profit, in the form royalty, dividends, corporate tax, income tax and export duty. Economical Environment Economical environment refers to the economic factors that affect the business in terms of recession, interest rates, exchange rates and global economic factors. Recession Recession results in the fall of demand for certain products, as income is reduced. To keep the demand on going, the prices of products is lowered. PETRONAS has net profit declined by 13.9% due to high production costs and low oil price that has been caused by the recession. Interest rates During inflation, there will be increase in the supply of money associated to the amount of goods available. This will result in a rise in prices of goods and services in the economy over a period of time. The high interest rates and fall of purchasing power would consequently affect the cash flow of the organization. Globalisation Technological Environment In order to adapt itself to the rapid growing technological environment, an organisation has to be versatile and recognises the value of technology to its business growth. PETRONAS is a technology dependent organisation that promotes and uses technology vastly for research and development. PETRONAS focuses its technology on advancing operational excellence through better plant and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance. It also aim to create niche technologies to improve the performance of its core businesses. In the upstream sector, PETRONAS focuses on technological development to increase hydrocarbon resources and to enhance productivity and recovery of its fields. On the other hand, downstream, PETRONAS maximises yield in oil, gas and petrolchemical operations by applying appropriate technology. It also creating a renewable energy lab to enable itself to move further forward and become a technology-driven company. Competition PETRONAS PRIMAX 3 is designed to provide maximum protection and performance for your car. Based on comprehensive tests,  PETRONAS PRIMAX 3 unique cleaning formulation will  starts to work right from the first time you fill it up, ensuring that your engine is always at its most powerful. By formulating with unique additive components, PETRONAS PRIMAX 3 efficiently protects your engine against injector fouling and corrosion, reinstating your car to its peak performance to  improve fuel economy. However, Shell is the leader in developing high  quality fuels. Shell Super with fuel economy formula is specially designed by Shell experts to give you extra miles at no extra cost. It is formulated with Shells Synthetic Viscous Friction Improver, designed to reduce friction in this crucial part of your engine, helping to improve its efficiency. On the other hand, all Caltex petrols now include technologically-advanced, patented fuel ingredient, Techron ®. Caltex Techron with cleaning agent is unsurpassed at keeping engines clean and cleaning up deposits to help reinstate original performance. It contains powerful detergents which help in removing deposits from fuel injectors intake ports and valves. The key benefits for using Techron ® are improved performance, enhanced reliability, smoother drive, restored fuel economy and lower emissions. Social culturePressure group Sponsorship Programmes: PETRONAS will offer academic sponsorships to deserving students for studies in secondary schools and institutions of higher learning every year. There are more than 19,000 students have benefited from PETRONAS   tertiary education sponsorship programmes at the Foundation, Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. Besides that, more than 11,000 secondary school students have received sponsorships from PETRONAS. Students can get the sponsorships by obtaining excellent results in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations for undergraduate studies at established universities, both in Malaysia and overseas. On the other hand, students can choose to pursue technical and non-technical courses that are related to the industry. In addition, scholarships are offered to Malaysian secondary school students. Employees and Community: In reaching out to society, PETRONAS promised to serve disadvantaged groups and communities around the world goes the extra mile with the proactive participation of their employees at the grassroots level as volunteers. PETRONASs employees dedicated their time and energy to help ease the needs of the disadvantaged communities in Malaysia and abroad. Group-wide, PETRONAS organized different programmes to encourage their employees in their voluntary efforts to connect with the communities that need help the most. PETRONAS organized annual programmes like  Sentuhan Kasih  and  Jalinan Insan  for allowing their employees to contribute directly to homes for disadvantaged children and orphans in the areas of PETRONASs operations. In addition, the  PETRONAS Volunteer Opportunity Programme  works together with selected NGOs and relevant parties to scout for volunteer opportunities and provide necessary training, direction and support to develop skills useful in programmes such as disaster rehabilitation and education outreach activities. Conclusion PETRONAS has managed its business environment well because it is now has ventured to 32 countries. Therefore, PETRONAS has to be innovative and creative to adapt the dynamic environment of business in order to maintain and expand its business. As the result of well planning and well utilizing of technology, PETRONAS has grown to become a massive power to succeed in petroleum industry from the past to the present. Great organisation of power and technology had become the main factor of this success. With the strategy of integration, adding values and globalization, PETRONAS has the new routes to deliver excellent performance to the stakeholders, employees, nation, and host countries and communities where PETRONAS operate. PETRONAS will continue to develop the businesses in Malaysia and overseas as the journey towards comprehend our vision To be a Leading Oil and Gas Multinational of Choice.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tomas Aleas The Last Supper Essay -- Last Supper Alea Movies Film Sla

Tomas Alea's The Last Supper [1] Before I start this essay, I feel the need to remind the reader that I find slavery in all its forms to be an oppressive and terrible institution, and I firmly believe that for centuries (including this one) bigotry is one of the most terrible stains on our civilization. The views I intend to express in the following essay are in no way meant to condone the practices of slavery or racism; they are meant only to evaluate and interpret the construction of slavery in film. [2] For films concerning slavery, the role of the filmmaker as educator is substantially heightened. All too often slavery films categorically vilify whites as oppressive forces, polarizing race and stereotyping the white class as uniformly tyrannical. The sympathetic but relatively powerless white in this system is frequently left out, condoning a stance that separates race as a division between villains and martyrs. While I see an effort in Tomas Gutierrez Alea’s The Last Supper to move beyond these representations, how successful the film is as a transcendence above the typically extreme constructions of character in the slave film is a difficult assessment, particularly for a film from a Cuban director during the Cold War. [3] For John Mraz, the representation of history in Tomas Alea’s The Last Supper is commendable work. Mraz claims that the film joins a cinematic collection where â€Å"films meet many of our expectations about what history ought to be† (120). Mraz continues his praise of Alea’s historical constructions, asserting that the way the film addresses history is impartial and objective: â€Å"The Last Supper follows the classic model of both written and filmed history in insisting on the reality o... ... fear. Once realized, those in power become all the more determined to maintain power through the brutality those revolts are meant to eliminate. The results are seldom glorious; instead, they are usually tragic. We must remember that the end of slave societies usually resulted from economic or political pressure put on political leaders by free men in the system, not those meant to be under it. Works Cited Fraginals, Manuel Moreno. The Sugarmill: The Socioeconomic Complex of Sugar in Cuba, 1760-1860. New York: Monthly Review, 1976. Knight, Franklin W. Slave Society in Cuba during the Nineteenth Century. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1970 Mraz, John. Recasting Cuban Slavery: The Other Francisco and The Last Supper.† Based on a True Story: Latin American History at the Movies. Ed. Donald R. Stevens. Wilmington: S.R. Books, 1997. 106-22.

William Wordsworth Walking: Art, Work, Leisure, and a Curious Form of Consumption :: William Wordswroth Walking Essays

William Wordsworth Walking: Art, Work, Leisure, and a Curious Form of Consumption William Wordsworth spent a good portion of his life on foot, walking. Consider a sequence of Dorothy's journal entries: Monday the 14th, "Wm & Mary walked to Ambleside in the morning to buy mousetraps" (about 5 miles round trip); Tuesday the 15th, "Wm & I walked to Rydale for letters" (about 3 miles round trip); Wednesday the 16th, "After dinner Wm & I walked twice up to the Swan & back again" (3 miles), met Miss Simpson and walked with her to the Oliffs and then back to her house (another 3 miles); Thursday the 17th, "we had a delightful walk" (a couple of miles); Friday the 18th, "Mary & Wm walked round the two lakes" (about 6 miles); Saturday the 19th, "We walked by Brathay to Ambleside" (6 miles). Now such distances are not remarkable in fine weather, but these were walks from the 14th to the 19th of December 1801, and Dorothy's notes include "A very keen frost, extremely slippery," and "Snow in the night & still snowing," and "the evening cloudy and promising snow" (GJ 48-49). Undeterred by bad weather, Wordsworth (and Dorothy) gave walking a central position in their daily lives, even to the extent that not walking becomes a remarkable event. Dorothy records that on September 13, 1800, "William writing his preface did not walk" (GJ 22). And of course in better weather there were shorter and longer walking tours such as Dorothy's record of September 3, 1800, in which Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Jonathan Wordsworth left "after breakfast" to walk "upon Helvellyn" and returned home at 10 at night, having covered probably 15 to 20 miles (GJ 20-21)--a long, but not unusually long for them, walk. In short, Wordsworth habitually spent at least several hours a day walking, and it was not at all uncommon for him to spend entire days on foot. The central role of walking in Wordsworth's life suggests a number of interesting questions, but I will focus here only on those related to the theme of this conference, work and leisure. Obviously, much of Wordsworth's walking could be classed as leisure-time activity. There was probably no compelling reason for Wordsworth and Dorothy to walk twice to the Black Swan or for Wordsworth and Mary to circumambulate the lakes.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Political Morality Essay -- essays research papers

In Webster's dictionary, morality is defined as "principles of right and wrong in conduct; ethics." The principles of morality have countless times evolved over the ages. In earlier times, death was an easy penalty for many crimes. These crimes today are considered minor and are penalized with a slap on the hand. Is this considered wrong? Who is the correct authority to consult on what is right or wrong? In today's society, two major factors concern how the way members of society act and behave. The first is our national government. Members of our government in positions of authority decide everything in our lives in the form of laws which determine our behavior. One of the most important documents written by our government is the Declaration of Independence. The monarchy was taking away power from the colonists and putting more demands on. In return, the colonists declared their freedom from their tyrant. In this document, it states, "All men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The great men who wrote this down had a strong sense of morals. They believed that men were given rights by God that no one could take away. This is essential to the issue of morality because it determines the rights- that are agreed upon all- are wrong. This brings us to religion. Religion is a major contributor ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Film “Stagecoach” Analysis

Stagecoach: The Revolutionary Western John Ford built a standard that many future directors would follow with his classic 1939 film â€Å"Stagecoach†. Although there were a plethora of western films made before 1939, the film â€Å"Stagecoach† revolutionized the western genre by elevating the genre from a â€Å"B† film into a more serious genre. The film challenged not only western stereotypes but also class divisions in society. Utilizing specific aspects of mise-en-scene and cinematography, John Ford displays his views of society.The film consists of many cliche western characters. There is a banker, an outlaw, a prostitute, a doctor, a gambler, and a pregnant woman. These characters are categorized by social class. The banker, the pregnant woman, and the gambler are considered upper class. The outlaw, the prostitute, and the doctor are considered lower class. Ford emphasizes the social prejudice that is present between the two classes by using composition of m ise-en-scene. In the dinner table scene, Lucy Mallory cannot bear eating next to, Dallas, the prostitute.Therefore, Hatfield escorts Lucy Mallory to the opposite end of the table. The use of space in the scene depicts the division between the upper class and the lower class. Because of the social status of Ringo Kid and Dallas, the characters in the upper class try not to associate themselves with them. John Ford also illustrates that prejudice can also occur within the same social class. In one of the earlier scenes, Lucy Mallory is in the hotel with her friends. The camera is in a medium range shot and the shot is from the inside of the tearoom.In this scene, Lucy Mallory asks her friends who the strange man outside of the window is. Her friends reply that the man is nothing but a notorious gambler. In this shot, the curtains of the window frame Hatfield. The way that Hatfield is judged immediately is similar to picking up a picture frame and judging a picture. Ford is trying to i llustrate the fact that even at first glance, Lucy Mallory is given a negative perspective of Hatfield. Throughout the film, the characters in the lower class are not respected by the others.Doc Boone is not taken seriously and considered a fool because he is always drunk. Dallas is always forgotten and all the attention is given to Mallory. In a scene where the stagecoach is headed towards Apache Wells in the cold, Hatfield’s facial expressions show that he is worried and concerned whenever he looks at Lucy Mallory. Hatfield, being a gentleman, offers Lucy Mallory water and serves water to her in a fancy silver cup but does not bother to ask Dallas. However, Ringo Kid makes sure Dallas also gets a drink of water.This demonstrates that even though Hatfield is considered a gentleman, he does not show any concern for Dallas because she has a lower social status. Once the stagecoach arrives in Lordsburg, Lucy Mallory is carried out on a stretcher. At first, the camera shot is wi de-angled and the street is crowded with soldiers and civilians. Then there is a close-up shot of Mallory on the stretcher as she speaks to Dallas. The shot reveals Mallory’s facial expression of remorse. Mallory looks apologetic and offers any help to Dallas.This is one of the final scenes in the film and illustrates how Mallory’s view of Dallas completely changed by the resolution of the film. Throughout the film, Mallory felt uncomfortable being around Dallas. Once Dallas helped take care of Mallory’s baby, Mallory realized that her judgment of Dallas was completely wrong. John Ford challenges society’s views of people based on class. Most people would expect the characters in the upper class to be more compassionate and respectable compared to the lower class.However, as the film progresses, the stereotypes are broken down and the characters true intentions are revealed. Everyone’s view of Ringo Kid and Doc Boone also changed by the end of the film. Although Doc Boone was always intoxicated, he was able to deliver the baby of Mallory. Ringo Kid was considered just an outlaw but he helped defend the stagecoach and fight the Indians. Ford shed new light on the western cliches and helped transform the western genre.